The holidays are here,and it’s often taxing for anyone,including dogs. Here are quick tips to make the holidays as happy and stress-free as possible.

Say It with Presents

Consider getting your disabled dog a unique gift for their needs or interests. This could be a new toy,a cozy bed,or snazzy dog skates to help them get around. Here are some more gift ideas:

  1. A fully adjustable dog wheelchair: If your pet has difficulty walking,a wheelchair can help them move around more efficiently and comfortably. Many companies offer adjustable pet wheelchairs,so you can find one that fits your pet perfectly.
  2. A memory foam pet bed: Memory foam pet beds can help alleviate pressure points and support pets with mobility issues. They are also great for older pets who may have trouble getting comfortable.
  3. An automatic feeder or waterer: An automatic feeder or waterer can make it easier for pets with mobility issues to access food and water. This is particularly helpful if you cannot always be home to feed or water your pet.
  4. Heated pet pad: Heated pet pads can give warmth and comfort to dogs with mobility issues or tend to feel cold. You can put them in a pet’s bed or crate to keep them warm and comfortable.
  5. Pet stroller – If your disabled pet enjoys walking but can’t go for long distances,a stroller can be a great idea. They can enjoy the outdoors’s smell,sights,and sounds without getting tired. 
  6. Ramps: If your pet is disabled,ramps or stairs can help them go to areas of your home that may be challenging for them to access.
  7. Pet carrier: A pet carrier can help you convey your disabled dog to the vet or other places more easily. 
  8. Harness or lifting sling – A harness allows you to raise and aid your pet if they have mobility issues or cannot walk without help. A helping harness is handy when maneuvering larger dogs into cars or dog wheelchairs
  9. Puzzles and toys – Keep your disabled pet’s mind functioning with interactive puzzles and toys. These can stimulate their cognitive faculties and provide mental and physical stimulus. Many toys are designed for disabled pets,like balls with large holes they could grip more easily or textured chew toys to soothe painful gums.
  10. A physical therapy or massage session – Massage and physical therapy can improve circulation,promote healing,and reduce muscle tension in disabled pets.

Feed Them

The holidays are incomplete without the eats. Sadly,many human foods harm dogs,and some are hazardous. Here are tips when giving your dog human stuff during the holidays:

  1. Stay away from anything high in fat,as this can cause serious and potentially fatal pancreatitis.
  2. Keep away foods that contain toxic ingredients to dogs,like chocolate,onions,garlic,grapes,and raisins.
  3. Avoid giving them bones,as they can crack and damage your dog’s digestive system.
  4. Avoid anything with spices or herbs,as these can irritate their digestive system.
  5. Avoid giving them artificial sweeteners like xylitol,as these are toxic to dogs.

However,you don’t need to suffer through your dog’s accusing looks. You can give them some human foods in moderation,like the following:

  • Cooked,unseasoned vegetables like carrots,green beans,and sweet potatoes
  • Cooked,unseasoned meat like chicken,turkey,and beef
  • Small amounts of unsweetened applesauce or pumpkin
  • Cooked grains such as rice and pasta

Most of what you stuff your face with is likely well-seasoned,so they are not recommended for your dogs. Treating them a little bit is probably safe but in small amounts.

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